Longestday wrote:
Appreciate the detail is still a bit sketchy, but there doesn’t appear to be anything new or radical that makes me think RL still won’t be looked at as a minor professional sport. From those outside the game and potential sponsors I mean.
Bit Sketchy !!! This so called report or whatever you call it it, is the biggest load of tripe I have ever seen in my years watching RL. Its full of corporate speak and cliche, totally vague and lacking any detail whatsoever . It can be interpreted anyway you like. In truth its nothing more than a smokescreen so the game can be more easily be manipulated by McManus et el. It gives them a great opportunity to get an even bigger slice of the cake, even more influence and ensure they they share every final between a very few clubs.
Wakey are not in the chosen inner circle of clubs but overall still reasonably highly ranked in the game as a whole. Yet I cant see anything in this that will benefit us, in fact I am sure it will make us weaker. As for the wider game and championship clubs, they may well as pack it all in now, because their days will be soon over as credible clubs with a future. RL as we know it could be over quite soon for many supporters in the wider game.