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Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:31 pm  
imwakefieldtillidie wrote:
Carter has never come across as the type of person to shaft anyone. We're only getting one side of the story, think I'll wait for the club's version of events before being critical.

It's an unusual situation, I would have thought that a deal may be struck with another club (IF they are wanted elsewhere!) that may be good all round.
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:45 pm  
We can’t keep our best young wingers no not Tom Murphy
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:21 pm  
cosmicat wrote:
We can’t keep our best young wingers no not Tom Murphy

Says who?
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:23 pm  
cosmicat wrote:
We can’t keep our best young wingers no not Tom Murphy

Whose Tom Murphy?
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:27 pm  
vastman wrote:
No, they forced themselves out, or to be fair as they are basically only kids, they were badly advised.

There are a fair few players at Trinity who are now on pretty decent money whose first contracts were very low indeed, Crowther, Jowitt and Hall off the top of my head, they played the smart game. I know it's a short career but unfortunately the same rules apply as in any other, you start low and build up, unless of course you are freakishly talented, not the case here.

They forced themselves out?

So they must accept contract terms they feel aren’t suitable or leave the game?
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:40 pm  
These rules are there to stop clubs nicking the players that other clubs have developed for sod-all.

Without this rule we would keep having our best prospects pinched.

I am guessing Wakefield can't (or don't want to), match the money they may have been offered elsewhere, but the buying clubs don't want to pay a fee either.

Wakefield have offered the players improved deals - if they hadn't, the players could walk away for free.

Wakefield aren't the baddies here. They are protecting their investment.

Maybe certain agents need a reality check?
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:59 pm  
dboy wrote:
These rules are there to stop clubs nicking the players that other clubs have developed for sod-all.

Without this rule we would keep having our best prospects pinched.

I am guessing Wakefield can't (or don't want to), match the money they may have been offered elsewhere, but the buying clubs don't want to pay a fee either.

Wakefield have offered the players improved deals - if they hadn't, the players could walk away for free.

Wakefield aren't the baddies here. They are protecting their investment.

Maybe certain agents need a reality check?

Then there should be a suitable minimum contract amount set by the RFL which must be offered or the compensation clause can’t be activated.

These lads have also sacrificed a lot and in many cases they forego chances at apprenticeships etc. which would pay far more than Academy or Reserve wages in order to pursue development in the game.
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:06 pm  
A Christmas play….

Player 1…’my deals up and I want this much $$$’
Agent… ‘leave it with me…I’ve got an interested club who want to pay this much $$$$ so my player must be worth this much to you Trinity $$$’
Trinity… ‘your player is worth this much to us $$ at this stage of his development’
Agent to interested club… ‘your bid is best so you can have him for $$$$ but you need to pay Trinity compensation’
Interested club… ‘a transfer fee? I thought he was a free agent!’
Agent… ‘under RL rules they are due a fee’
Interested club… ‘how much??’
Agent… ‘$$$$$$$$’
Interested club to RFL… ‘really… how much??’
RFL… ‘rules say $$$$$$$$, it protects d the club who develop the talent from asset stripping’
Interested club… ‘no we can’t afford that!’
Agent … ‘what’s the skinny?… ‘
Interested club… ‘we’re out!’
Player … ‘who am I playing for … I still want $$$’
Agent… ‘sorry mate! No-one!!!’

And a happy Christmas was had by all!
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:20 pm  
vastman wrote:
Yes but who decides that worth, this is the crux and the point I've been making. I suspect they have been given duff advise and over-valued themselves, This I would say is backed up by the lack of apparent offers as let's be honest the comp amounts are not huge.

What this whole story stinks of to me is an Agent who's cocked up and is now feeding the story into the media to gain a sympathy angle, and it's working and thats pure cynical manipulation imo.

On your last point I utterly disagree, that's wanting your cake and eating it. SL is a business not a charitable foundation. When clubs sign youngster they are offering them a chance to pursue their dream, not a promise. No club, certainly in the last 30 years has ever sat a kid down and said we guarantee you a future in the game on a wage that will suit you from the start. Thirty years ago we went full time and with that came huge benefits for some, but for others massive disappointments, that is the very nature of professional sport, every sport not just RL, so there is nothing to re-evaluate IMHO. It's nothing to do with how it looks, it's how it is and pretending otherwise only gives false hope.

Also I'm not sure you can just pick and chose a sport, being good at RL doesn't mean you'd be just as good at football, certainly wasn't the case for me.

The market decides the worth, or it should at least. In this unusual case though that’s not being allowed to happen. You can dress it up, over as many paragraphs as you like but it boils down to the simple truth. Wakefield can offer them whatever they want & they either sign or leave professional RL for a while.
It’s really easy to paint the agent as the bad guy in any situation in professional sport, but there’s only one reason they exist; because clubs have & would continue to completely shaft the player as/when it suits them. Ask yourself why this doesn’t happen every year at every club if it’s as simple as the mean old agent trying to wring a penny for himself. I completely understand why you back the club at every turn. Personally I tend to back the worker rather than the company; not saying I’m right; it’s just how I’m built.

I agree with Avenger; that a minimum contract for SL level is needed urgently if we want the game to grow. The game will continue to wither if we don’t give as many lads as possible a real chance of making it.
Re: Shaw and Croft : Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:35 pm  
The grape vine of Lewis is ( not from me ) I have heard that money is the issue & that he knows in one more year he is a free agent ? More money can be gained else where with his ability & growing reputation ?
As for me, I hope not !

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