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Re: Borris Johnson : Fri Nov 11, 2022 6:05 am  
TheWarringtonWolve69 wrote:
The NHS was woefully unprepared which is remarkable given the amount of “management” they have on eye watering salaries for this exact situation. The right will claim the NHS is on its knees because of immigrants. No it’s not. It’s all the useless tossers at the top of the food chain on stupid salaries

When you talk about the NHS I and probably a lot more like me only identify it through the good work the doctors and nurses do at the hospitals, so I don't want to get into the politics of it all, not sure how immigrants tie in with your post but regarding the stupid salaries part, I have a son in law who works for an agency that supplies doctors, consultants, and anaesthetists, to the NHS hospitals, when he rings one of those individuals up they won't come for less than a 12 hour shift which suits him and his company I suppose as that's how and where they earn they're corn, I'm not going to talk about their salaries as the NHS cannot do without these skilled people and if they choose to earn more money working through an agency well good luck to them, but my point is my son in law takes home after stoppages around £120K per annum, so what are his company charging the NHS for this service, as one of the 3 professions I have mentioned would you as an NHS worker be happy to work alongside somebody that's on nearly three times the salary your on, so maybe you have a good point regarding those at the top being more accountable.
Re: Borris Johnson : Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:07 am  
TheWarringtonWolve69 wrote:
So why did nursing homes have to source their own PPE when ordinarily it was provided by the NHS (for nursing home which were predominantly used by the local primary care trusts)? I’ve seen emails as part of my work on going concern where the NHS basically said “dunno mate, do it yourself). That’s not Boris fault. It’s purely on the NHS

The NHS was woefully unprepared which is remarkable given the amount of “management” they have on eye watering salaries for this exact situation. The right will claim the NHS is on its knees because of immigrants. No it’s not. It’s all the useless tossers at the top of the food chain on stupid salaries

I think you are confused, care homes can get PPE through their local authority or local resilience forum. The Department of Health and Social Care will provide free Personal Protective Equipment, NOT the NHS.
Re: Borris Johnson : Fri Nov 11, 2022 6:23 pm  
He may be referring to the private care homes that charge an absolute fortune for your elderly relatives. They provide their own PPE.
Re: Borris Johnson : Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:51 pm  
Craig_David wrote:
Are greatest priminister since Winston Churchill forced out by a remoaner plot of establishment elites is coming to the end of his rain. Tributes here to this great man thank you borris for

1 getting Brexit done despite the remoaners fighting hard to deny democracy

2 beating the covid and the vaccines

3 always saying it how it is and not giving in to the woke leftists

4 being a man of the peoples

5 giving us a laugh when he could

We will miss you borris you did your best for are country

Yes, the Old Etonian man of the people!! If that was his best…….!
You poor deluded sap - knew he would be a disaster as PM as he was a disaster as Mayor of London!
But would you listen to us woke, lefty , Southerners?
Some folk have to learn the hard way, eh?

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