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Re: Borris Johnson : Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:25 am  
Borris was are only hope he was for the people not like Richie who is a globe it’s wef puppet sent to destroy are economy and bring in universal income. You will all be sorry I can see it happening.

I do my own research not listen to msm like yous

Richie was born into a rich family and is an elite not like borris for the people. That why the establishment brought down borris
Re: Borris Johnson : Sun Oct 30, 2022 9:00 pm  
chissitt wrote:
Don't think he did, it just suits some peoples narrative to have you believe it.

Not often I agree with you but you are right.

The nhs knew from January a pandemic was coming and did nothing about it. That’s not Boris fault but it’s just easier to blame him. It was also the nhs that killed tens of thousands of old people. Not Boris
Re: Borris Johnson : Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:58 pm  
TheWarringtonWolve69 wrote:
Not often I agree with you but you are right.

The nhs knew from January a pandemic was coming and did nothing about it. That’s not Boris fault but it’s just easier to blame him. It was also the nhs that killed tens of thousands of old people. Not Boris

I know I'm right and it's not often I agree with you either, and in the case of the rubbish your accusing the NHS of I don't agree with that either, the things some people say to attract attention at times defies belief, you must be some desperate dude.
Re: Borris Johnson : Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:47 pm  
TheWarringtonWolve69 wrote:
Not often I agree with you but you are right.

The nhs knew from January a pandemic was coming and did nothing about it. That’s not Boris fault but it’s just easier to blame him. It was also the nhs that killed tens of thousands of old people. Not Boris

So wrong , on every level - hard to know where to begin, but I fear I'd be wasting my time as your utter ignorance is gold plated.
Re: Borris Johnson : Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:53 pm  
RfE wrote:
So wrong , on every level - hard to know where to begin, but I fear I'd be wasting my time as your utter ignorance is gold plated.

Except it’s not. Johnson had nothing to do with the NHS complete and utter mess up. Care services that I know personally where sourcing their own PPE because the NHS were so inept.

Here are the facts.

We knew a pandemic was coming and the NHS was warned

Those that were tasked with protecting the public (NHS) did nothing.

Pandemic hits

The NHS is suprised they don’t have enough PPE

Remind me again at which point Boris is to blame for the ineptitude of the hundred of procurements manages on hundreds of thousands of pounds Salaries?
Re: Borris Johnson : Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:55 pm  
As one female Tory MP once put it - "Boris is the life and soul of the party but not the man you want to drive you home at the end of the day".
Re: Borris Johnson : Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:14 pm  
Exeter Rhino wrote:
As one female Tory MP once put it - "Boris is the life and soul of the party but not the man you want to drive you home at the end of the day".

You don't know who she was do you?
Re: Borris Johnson : Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:11 pm  
Amber Rudd, I believe.
Re: Borris Johnson : Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:47 pm  
TheWarringtonWolve69 wrote:
Not often I agree with you but you are right.

The nhs knew from January a pandemic was coming and did nothing about it. That’s not Boris fault but it’s just easier to blame him. It was also the nhs that killed tens of thousands of old people. Not Boris

I worked for the NHS in January 2020, and yes, we did know there was a virus out there, but quite honestly we didn't know if the virus would be contained like previous sars virus or not, we entered into discussions about the plans we had which were adequate for all but the worst case scenarios (ebola style) and when the impact of the virus started to hit we enacted those plans.

In the main they worked, we extended our A&E into other wards and discharged people into the community who we could, the only issues we encountered that perhaps could have been done better was centred around testing and tracing of people coming into hospital and being discharged to nursing homes, but to be honest, that is more a government issues than an NHS one.

The other issue was one of staff getting ill and technology, it took us a while to get used to working mostly off site, but supporting people on site, but we worked it out.
Re: Borris Johnson : Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:47 pm  
Sadfish wrote:
I worked for the NHS in January 2020, and yes, we did know there was a virus out there, but quite honestly we didn't know if the virus would be contained like previous sars virus or not, we entered into discussions about the plans we had which were adequate for all but the worst case scenarios (ebola style) and when the impact of the virus started to hit we enacted those plans.

In the main they worked, we extended our A&E into other wards and discharged people into the community who we could, the only issues we encountered that perhaps could have been done better was centred around testing and tracing of people coming into hospital and being discharged to nursing homes, but to be honest, that is more a government issues than an NHS one.

The other issue was one of staff getting ill and technology, it took us a while to get used to working mostly off site, but supporting people on site, but we worked it out.

So why did nursing homes have to source their own PPE when ordinarily it was provided by the NHS (for nursing home which were predominantly used by the local primary care trusts)? I’ve seen emails as part of my work on going concern where the NHS basically said “dunno mate, do it yourself). That’s not Boris fault. It’s purely on the NHS

The NHS was woefully unprepared which is remarkable given the amount of “management” they have on eye watering salaries for this exact situation. The right will claim the NHS is on its knees because of immigrants. No it’s not. It’s all the useless tossers at the top of the food chain on stupid salaries

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