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Re: Brexit disaster : Thu Nov 24, 2022 3:11 pm  
wotsupcas wrote:
Yes really. IMO it was the Maastricht treaty that was the catalyst for the leave movement.

It does have to be said how well its going.

The UK has gone from top to bottom of the table for G7 nations and immigration is up, despite "taking back control" of our borders.
If it wasnt so serious, it would be hilarious but, in the words of Mr Farage "you're not laughing now".
Meanwhile, some of those on the right of politics and their hedge fund friends have made a bloody fortune out of the country sinking.
Quite ironic, given that many of them pretend to be so patriotic.

Liz Truss talked about "the anti-growth coalition" but, Brexit is one of the main reasons for the huge drop off in exports.
Now, where are those new markets ??
Re: Brexit disaster : Thu Nov 24, 2022 9:18 pm  
Maccbull_BigBullyBooaza wrote:
wotsupcas wrote:
Oops. If it was JUST the common market we'd still be in it.
Doubtful. If that was the case we would have made attempts to join EFTA or tried to negotiate a deal similar that Switzerland have. Which isn't as good as being in the common market as we would still have to produce customs paperwork but does deliver some of the benefits.
The problem is that Quitters don't want to live in the world as it is instead of the world as they wish it was (I'd say the world they wish they could recreate but it's all a sad, nostalgia-fumed illusion). They think it's as simple as having a free trade zone but with none of the regulatory alignment which makes such a thing work. It's so sadly delusional.
Re: Brexit disaster : Fri Nov 25, 2022 7:40 am  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
The problem is that Quitters don't want to live in the world as it is instead of the world as they wish it was (I'd say the world they wish they could recreate but it's all a sad, nostalgia-fumed illusion). They think it's as simple as having a free trade zone but with none of the regulatory alignment which makes such a thing work. It's so sadly delusional.

It’s pretty pathetic especially when you consider that on a lot of things (especially things like animal welfare in farming and safety standards) our own standards are higher than the EU minimum. We were the ones driving EU regulation and pushing for improvements.
Re: Brexit disaster : Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:35 am  
Maccbull_BigBullyBooaza wrote:
Maccbull_BigBullyBooaza wrote:
It’s pretty pathetic especially when you consider that on a lot of things (especially things like animal welfare in farming and safety standards) our own standards are higher than the EU minimum. We were the ones driving EU regulation and pushing for improvements.

Interesting concept.

However, there seems little doubt that the UK wished to decide it's own regulations on a whole host of issues and while we may be in line with the EU on some things, we are keen to review many others and when you listen to people like Jacob Rees Mogg (who suggests that there should be no "entitlement" to paid holidays or maternity pay), there seems to be no doubt whatsoever that we will be reducing employment rights.
A blindman can spot the direction of travel here and the destination isn't quite the "sunlit uplands" that were mentioned by David Davis.

When you have the Governor of the Bank of England telling us of the "hit" to the economy, it is now clear that "we" voted to make ourselves and the country poorer and having idiots like Truss calling other parties "the anti growth coalition", when her party (with some support from others) delivered the single biggest hit to our prosperity , it makes you despair.

Happy New Year everyone.
Re: Brexit disaster : Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:16 pm  
wrencat1873 wrote:
Interesting concept.

However, there seems little doubt that the UK wished to decide it's own regulations on a whole host of issues and while we may be in line with the EU on some things, we are keen to review many others and when you listen to people like Jacob Rees Mogg (who suggests that there should be no "entitlement" to paid holidays or maternity pay), there seems to be no doubt whatsoever that we will be reducing employment rights.
A blindman can spot the direction of travel here and the destination isn't quite the "sunlit uplands" that were mentioned by David Davis.

When you have the Governor of the Bank of England telling us of the "hit" to the economy, it is now clear that "we" voted to make ourselves and the country poorer and having idiots like Truss calling other parties "the anti growth coalition", when her party (with some support from others) delivered the single biggest hit to our prosperity , it makes you despair.

Happy New Year everyone.

The UK (as a whole) didn’t though did we? Don’t forget the likes of Rees Mogg and the rest of the ERG were on the fringes and quite rightly viewed as the cranks they are before the referendum.

They were very clever in the way they framed the argument as being about taking back control of our own laws - as if it were the EU holding us back. When all along it was about them deregulating everything so that they (and their donors) could line their pockets. You only have to look at the fact you can’t go swimming at the seaside anymore without risking making yourself ill for proof of that.

In fact, any mention that that was the intention was quickly dismissed as “project fear”. Yet here we are and people have been that taken in that they’re asking for their living standards to be reduced.
Re: Brexit disaster : Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:32 pm  
The Conservatives government since coming to power years ago have been totally useless and incompetent. The frightening part is the constant mistakes have been catastrophic. So it’s highly unlikely they will make Brexit successful as they are spectacular useless at everything else.
A source of irritation to me is this stupid growth for zero carbon emissions. Be nice before moving forward with that they could stop discharging sewage into our river systems. It beggars believe that in the year 2023 water companies are still allowed to undertake this shameful practice.
Re: Brexit disaster : Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:12 pm  
Criminal Sunak brexits his bowels on criminal Bozo :lol:
Re: Brexit disaster : Tue Feb 28, 2023 3:25 pm  
I wonder if Sunak appreciates that his recent comments stating what a unique and advantageous position Northern Ireland is in by by both being in the single market and free access to the British markets. Is this not what all businesses had in the U.K. prior to Brexit.
Re: Brexit disaster : Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:57 am  
No apologies for repeating my earlier comments on this thread. This government is incompetent on a grand scale. I honestly can’t think of any thing they have done anything in a positive way that has improved society. So it’s highly unlikely that they would make any success of Brexit. It seems a collective madness has overtaken the Conservatives. It’s split into factions, the most bizarre one is the movement to bring Johnson back. Unbelievable how many times can one person be exposed for habitual lying. Suppose the best one was no border in the Irish sea. Mighty strange that sunak has potentially abolished the non existent border. Still looking on the bright side Johnson has made 5 million smackers since stepping down and bought himself a 4 million quid House .
Re: Brexit disaster : Fri Mar 24, 2023 1:03 pm  
Brexit bonus.

A change in the law allows the growing and cultivation of GM crops.

Only applies to England as both Wales and Scotland are keeping the ban. EU law is applicable in Northern Ireland.

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