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Re: Call for funds : Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:07 pm  
Companies House now only lists:

Steven Bonfield - Secretary
Mark Bannister - Director
Ian Uttley - Director
Re: Call for funds : Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:00 am  
Strange reason for retiring, that the club's vision for the future doesn't align with Kenny's. I thought being the Chair of a small BOD, that Kenny IS the club (for the time being).

As I've said before, I've lost trust in the current BOD anyway so I'll welcome a complete change. I didn't like how the huge tax bill all of a sudden landed on the door step, and I certainly didn't like the claim that other clubs had been granted extensions whereas Fax hadn't which made no sense at all. Also that 6 figure sum which never happened ..... and so on and so on and so on ......

All probably bona fide but just my perception.
Re: Call for funds : Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:31 am  
Certainly going to be an interesting off season, with Kenny resigning and finn leaving , now I've just read one of the directors suffered a collapsed lung at the weekend and has previously had a heart attack , can't imagine his family being too enthusiastic about him being heavily involved Certainly in the immediate future.
Re: Call for funds : Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:28 pm  
Listenup94 wrote:
Certainly going to be an interesting off season, with Kenny resigning and finn leaving , now I've just read one of the directors suffered a collapsed lung at the weekend and has previously had a heart attack , can't imagine his family being too enthusiastic about him being heavily involved Certainly in the immediate future.

Why anyone would want to become involved in taking over any rugby league club is beyond me never mind one in the Championship with debt issues, ground issues etc etc but I suppose someone will be doing so at Fax.

Talking about the ground whatever happened to the rumour that the Shay was going to be taken over by some large local businesses and a new trust from a few weeks back, or was it just another pie in the sky idea doing the rounds?
Re: Call for funds : Wed Oct 02, 2024 2:43 pm  
The bit about Kenny leaving saying that his vision for the club doesn't align with the clubs. Who is it that he doesn't agree with, he was interim chairman there is hardly anyone left on the board it would be interesting to know.
Re: Call for funds : Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:09 pm  
faxcar wrote:
Why anyone would want to become involved in taking over any rugby league club is beyond me never mind one in the Championship with debt issues, ground issues etc etc but I suppose someone will be doing so at Fax.

Talking about the ground whatever happened to the rumour that the Shay was going to be taken over by some large local businesses and a new trust from a few weeks back, or was it just another pie in the sky idea doing the rounds?

The last rumour i heard the fraines , marshalls and a-safe were the interested parties.
Re: Call for funds : Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:21 pm  
Listenup94 wrote:
The last rumour i heard the fraines , marshalls and a-safe were the interested parties.

That's the one.
Re: Call for funds : Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:35 pm  
faxcar wrote:
Why anyone would want to become involved in taking over any rugby league club is beyond me

Agreed. I've mentioned Ken Davy several times as an extreme example. Why on earth it means so much to him that he's prepared to squander 20 million quid (and no doubt a huge amount of time) is quite bizarre. David Hughes over 20 million quid at London - madness. I like RL (much less so nowadays due to the absurd IMG system and a big decline in quality and entertainment) - it's in the genes following on from my dad and granddad but it's not the be all and end all and I manage perfectly fine during the winter without it and I'm sure I'll find something else to do (something better no doubt!) if it was ever to disappear in the summer.

Past financial disasters at Fax left me fairly dejected but this last one was more a feeling of "what will be will be" and I thought I would never think "Thank god" when a season has ended.
Re: Call for funds : Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:38 am  
Tony Fax wrote:
Agreed. I've mentioned Ken Davy several times as an extreme example. Why on earth it means so much to him that he's prepared to squander 20 million quid (and no doubt a huge amount of time) is quite bizarre. David Hughes over 20 million quid at London - madness. I like RL (much less so nowadays due to the absurd IMG system and a big decline in quality and entertainment) - it's in the genes following on from my dad and granddad but it's not the be all and end all and I manage perfectly fine during the winter without it and I'm sure I'll find something else to do (something better no doubt!) if it was ever to disappear in the summer.

Past financial disasters at Fax left me fairly dejected but this last one was more a feeling of "what will be will be" and I thought I would never think "Thank god" when a season has ended.

...and if longtime diehard supporters such as yourself think like that it shows what a task anyone has in running a Championship club these days. As for myself, i've been waiting for the season to finish for weeks. The ludicrous IMG situation has almost brought the game below SL level to its knees. There again, perhaps that is the real reason they've been brought in! To think the RFL are paying them hundreds of thousands a year to basically ruin the game. Beyond belief! On another note, i see season tickets are out and on sale. For the first time in ages i'm seriously thinking of not getting one and picking and choosing games next year.
Re: Call for funds : Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:51 am  
What are people's feelings on the Membership scheme that is being pushed? Aiming for 1000 is ambitious and given current uptake is around 90, still a long way to go. The club are been transparent but with such a big initial target it seems unlikely they will meet it. Especially now season tickets are on sale.

I've not had a season ticket for years, I'll still be at games but I'll continue to pick and choose which I go to. In years gone by we'd arrange our calendar around rugby fixtures, but more recently we don't. It's hard to pinpoint the change, maybe since Covid. But on the whole matchdays don't have the same feel anymore. I actually enjoy away days more than home games.

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