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Shay rent : Thu May 09, 2024 2:33 pm  
Not posting to cause trouble, but worryingly, it doesnt seem things are healthy at the club. Almost a year behind with rent. ... ng-2651103
Not posting to cause trouble, but worryingly, it doesnt seem things are healthy at the club. Almost a year behind with rent. ... ng-2651103
Re: Shay rent : Thu May 09, 2024 3:11 pm  
Be reet,we've bought Greg Edan a leopardskin coat and Hull have offered us £75K for him.
Re: Shay rent : Thu May 09, 2024 4:15 pm  
The rent is always the first sign of the alarm bells. Cant say i am surprised by this unfortunately its a hole only the directors can dig out as many a past director will testify. For me the business model just doesnt work with no bar income , low attendances and now hardly anything from rl central funding .
Re: Shay rent : Thu May 09, 2024 11:25 pm  
Does it not say they owe for just march & april?
Re: Shay rent : Sat May 11, 2024 6:46 pm  
Looking at the Spreadsheets, between Jul-21 and Feb-23 we were invoiced for £92,213.10 of Rent and Paid £106,530.80.

However the spreadsheet, which was provided on 9th of May 2024, has no payments listed since Feb 2023 leaving what I presume is the outstanding amount stated in the PDF FOI request of £53,512.70. For some reason either we stopped paying our rent in March 2023 or the council have screwed up their accounting.
Re: Shay rent : Sat May 11, 2024 7:00 pm  
Nat (Rugby_Aholic) wrote:
Looking at the Spreadsheets, between Jul-21 and Feb-23 we were invoiced for £92,213.10 of Rent and Paid £106,530.80.

However the spreadsheet, which was provided on 9th of May 2024, has no payments listed since Feb 2023 leaving what I presume is the outstanding amount stated in the PDF FOI request of £53,512.70. For some reason either we stopped paying our rent in March 2023 or the council have screwed up their accounting.

Noticed the same thing Nat and you can't work out what's going on from looking at the Fax spreadsheet as it's not in any kind of order, it looks corrupted in some way with large parts of the info missing unlike the one from Town which is all sequentially listed.
Whether CMBC have screwed up with the accounts they've certainly screwed up with the spreadsheet which wouldn't pass any sort of accounting audit.

In 2024 it shows just 1 payment of £3,219.70 on the 3rd of April.
Deduct that amount from the £56,732.40 annual rent and it leaves us with the £53,512.70 arrears figure shown on the first document.
Re: Shay rent : Sat May 11, 2024 8:56 pm  
Said on the Town forum about that spreadsheet, the council don't help themselves providing two spreadsheets that are to show the same thing but having them in different formats. Looking at past payments as well it does appear that we just seem to pay what we want when we want as the payments are all over the place and that random 2024 payment does seem to suggest that the council has not missed any payments off and I reckon there is a good chance that payment was made to allow us to keep playing at the Shay.

It looks like theres more stuff as well with director fall outs and failed promises leaving us in a bad situation along with a player spend that is more than the last few seasons despite us having such a small squad. This was always a risk not having someone on the board who was exprienced in contract negotiations and looks to have bit the club on its backside.

There are also rumors about the shop have rent arrears, Im not sure I believe this as you would think the shop would be included in the full rent amount although I can't get my head around why both teams pay the same amount despite there been different usage but anyway by all accounts the shop is losing money. We were promised that the shop would make money with new people running it and new suppliers but looks like they found out just how hard it is to make something like that turn a profit with our small fanbase.
Re: Shay rent : Sat May 11, 2024 10:11 pm  
Just getting back into the loop after extended time away.
Can't find out anything about the rent whatsoever but no doubt it will be front and centre on Thursday night. Regarding the shop from memory previously it was connected to Ian Croad and changed hands earlier this year under a veil of secrecy for some reason with the new stock being fully donated FOC by the Fraise brothers, (if that's how you pronounce their name), ListenUp knows more about it than I do but I don't think I'm far off.
So if there losing money on free kit not sure if there's an answer to that one or if there's a connection with it now being sold in Harveys?
Greg Eden all sorts of tales going round and only heard a thin rumour of some kind of approach to Cougars for Charlie Graham, not true or true? If the latter their response?
Re: Shay rent : Sun May 12, 2024 10:56 am  
Yes the fraine brothers who are involved with the new orox brand Mike and Andrew have multiple businesses, it’s very difficult to assess how much involvement these people have certainly on a financial level . Also noticed that Ian uttley is well connected in the logistics business and would imagine the business meeting they had this week is to try get local businesses involved on a sponsorship level . Problematically for me I do have connections and communications with people who work at the club and most information I receive is predominantly private ( and not only that trying to separate facts and feelings is often difficult) On top of that i research things to the enth degree ( not always correctly )which is why I figured out the French prop trialling for us was Francois hantz and Maxime rostong both from Avignon .

The only scepticism I have regarding information regarding accounts accuracy is trusting the source, ultimately some of fc Halifax fans have an agenda and actually revel in negative information surrounding the rugby club and most of the information is open to interpretation.

Can’t quote you faxcar because I have to type it out first on my notes because this stupid site kicks you off half way through a message.
Re: Shay rent : Sun May 12, 2024 6:31 pm  
You can look at the FOI request yourself, council would be in deep sh*t if they misrepresented something like that on a FOI. The football always seem to find out and log their sneaky FOI requests. Most of the RL fans don't care about FC Halifax but they seem to spend most of their time thinking about us.

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