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Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:20 pm  
Cronus wrote:
Parliament is at stalemate and is achieving nothing. Prorogue and stay prorogued.
That whole "taking back control" was a crock of **** then.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:23 pm  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
That whole "taking back control" was a crock of **** then.

We haven't left yet. HTH. :thumb:
Re: General Election campaign : Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:06 pm  
Cronus wrote:
We haven't left yet. HTH. :thumb:

You're right, we havent but, the preservation of Parliament and its necessity to ensure the rule of law only gets a mention as a stick with which to beat the EU.
It seems that those politicians, most in favour of leaving actually dont give a toss, just as long as they get their way.
Seems like a good reason for remaining and taking our advice form Brussels :IDEA:
Re: General Election campaign : Mon Sep 16, 2019 10:31 pm  
As a young man in the late 1960s I used to wonder how Hitler ever managed to come to power and sadly since then there has been two clear examples of how it could happen. The first was in 1979 when Thatcher came to power. The way in which her policies polarized the nation, coupled with her use of the police as political enforcers was shocking. The second example is once again down to a right wing tory government. Who would have thought that a British PM would close down parliament and even contemplate breaking the law to force through a policy which no longer has a majority backing. These are indeed sad times.
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:25 pm  
silver2 wrote:
As a young man in the late 1960s I used to wonder how Hitler ever managed to come to power and sadly since then there has been two clear examples of how it could happen. The first was in 1979 when Thatcher came to power. The way in which her policies polarized the nation, coupled with her use of the police as political enforcers was shocking. The second example is once again down to a right wing tory government. Who would have thought that a British PM would close down parliament and even contemplate breaking the law to force through a policy which no longer has a majority backing. These are indeed sad times.

Have you been watching the BBC series on Hitlers rise to power..scary stuff and very relevant.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:13 am  
JACK DETH wrote:
Have you been watching the BBC series on Hitlers rise to power..scary stuff and very relevant.

I think we are somewhat distanced from the policies of the Hitler's party. The Tories are divided purely on Brexit and Boris taking extreme measures to resolve the issue once and for all.

There is nothing else in their policies that is that extreme - now Labour that is a different matter.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:17 am  
Sal Paradise wrote:
I think we are somewhat distanced from the policies of the Hitler's party. The Tories are divided purely on Brexit and Boris taking extreme measures to resolve the issue once and for all.

There is nothing else in their policies that is that extreme - now Labour that is a different matter.

It will all be OK once the private schools are closed, assets seized, pride, determination and ambition stifled.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:13 pm  
IR80 wrote:
It will all be OK once the private schools are closed, assets seized, pride, determination and ambition stifled.

Its all about control - you can see it on here, those to left always know what's best for everyone (sic) and cannot understand why everyone else can be so stupid as to not think like them :D

5 years of Corbyn and maybe even the die-hards will have changed their mind. You only have to look at their policy on Brexit - they will negotiate a leave that includes remaining in the customs union and single market and offer that against remain in a ballot i.e. two versions of remain. The leader can even lead by stating which side he is on!!

Why not leave with Labour's deal or leave no deal - have some guts Corbyn.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:26 pm  
Sal Paradise wrote:
Its all about control - you can see it on here, those to left always know what's best for everyone (sic) and cannot understand why everyone else can be so stupid as to not think like them :D

5 years of Corbyn and maybe even the die-hards will have changed their mind. You only have to look at their policy on Brexit - they will negotiate a leave that includes remaining in the customs union and single market and offer that against remain in a ballot i.e. two versions of remain. The leader can even lead by stating which side he is on!!

Why not leave with Labour's deal or leave no deal - have some guts Corbyn.

You used "left" and "think" in the same sentence, shame on you!
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:39 pm  
Maybe they could make Diane Abbott education minister - now that would be fun. Private education is good for me and my kids but you common people shouldn't have access to it!! Some comrade!!

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