God, getting actual fact-based answers out of you Brexiteers is hard. Can you actually summon up some facts rather then just more of your very confidently stated assertions??
I've watched spent plenty of time watching BBC Parliament and seen nothing to suggest to suggest a lack of impartiality other than a bias towards Parliamentary supremacy over the executive. Which is his job, and should be the interest of anyone who cares about process and government accountability.
Do you actually read what people post, I voted REMAIN, but I believe in democracy.
God, getting actual fact-based answers out of you Brexiteers is hard. Can you actually summon up some facts rather then just more of your very confidently stated assertions??
I've watched spent plenty of time watching BBC Parliament and seen nothing to suggest to suggest a lack of impartiality other than a bias towards Parliamentary supremacy over the executive. Which is his job, and should be the interest of anyone who cares about process and government accountability.
Do you actually read what people post, I voted REMAIN, but I believe in democracy.
A decision on appeal, in Scotland, High Court will rule on Tuesday.
I now about the High Court case but, the comments from the 3 Scottish Judges were scathing. I really dont se this one getting reversed and it seems to show just how much contempt Boris actually has for democracy.
I may just paste up the reply sent from my own MP regarding the proroguing of Parliament. It should make very interesting reading, especially if next weeks case rules against the Government.
I now about the High Court case but, the comments from the 3 Scottish Judges were scathing. I really dont se this one getting reversed and it seems to show just how much contempt Boris actually has for democracy.
I may just paste up the reply sent from my own MP regarding the proroguing of Parliament. It should make very interesting reading, especially if next weeks case rules against the Government.
IF, and the size of that IF is not quntifiable at the moment, Boris and his ministers gave Her Majesty the wrong, illegal, guidance knowingly, then that is an act of treason, is it not?
IF, and the size of that IF is not quntifiable at the moment, Boris and his ministers gave Her Majesty the wrong, illegal, guidance knowingly, then that is an act of treason, is it not?
If she sent him to the Tower, it would do us all a favour and then they could chuck him in a ditch and even he would be happy.
Never mind Bercow, it now appears that Parliament has been shut down illegally, by the Prime Minister. He should resign now ! Lying, cheating b'stard.
I can't see how the issue is justiciable in the slightest, as 2 courts have already found. It's a political issue, not a legal one. The court summary reads more like an opinion piece than a legal finding. Show me the law or act broken and I'll change my mind.
The judges have apparently reached their conclusion based on new, partly redacted evidence, which they have mysteriously said should not be disclosed. Finding it "improper" or not within "generally accepted standards" is one thing, but still doesn't make it a legal matter. There is no written constitution defining the legalities of prorogation, so how can they rule on it?
Prorogation is not unusual, certainly after the longest sitting of Parliament in history (ongoing since June 2017). Yes, the timing is highly convenient for Johnson, a fact he is of course only too aware and proroguing now is certainly no accident as we all know. But is it illegal?
And does it matter what he said to the Queen? She's bound to accede whatever. He could have said it was for a Caribbean cruise and she can't say no.
Anyway, what's the point in recalling Parliament? Most of the self-serving vultures haven't been doing their jobs for over 3 years now, and are only interested in delaying Brexit until they can overturn it.
Anyway, what's the point in recalling Parliament? Most of the self-serving vultures haven't been doing their jobs for over 3 years now, and are only interested in delaying Brexit until they can overturn it.
How many times til this falsehood is squashed once and for all.
The only reason we're still in the EU is because too many Brexiteers voted not to leave; enough people who believed in Remain voted for it to pass.
How many times til this falsehood is squashed once and for all.
The only reason we're still in the EU is because too many Brexiteers voted not to leave; enough people who believed in Remain voted for it to pass.
I didn't mention the votes. But yes the results are frustrating and while the extreme Brexiteers/ERG need to wind their necks in, far more Remainers need to honour the result of the referendum over their personal beliefs or party orders.
My point is that there is, and has been throughout, a large number of Remain MPs dedicated to placing hurdles in the path at every opportunity, with the hope of ultimately reversing the entire thing, all the while hardheartedly trying appear sincere in their promise to "respek da wefewendum". Couple that with Corbyn, who prioritises getting into No.10 and bringing the government down (I actually don't think he cares much about Brexit either way), and yes the small number of extreme Brexiteers, and you have a recipe for never achieving anything. As we have seen.
Parliament is at stalemate and is achieving nothing. Prorogue and stay prorogued.
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