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Re: General Election campaign : Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:05 am  
But it did bring us the joyful sight of a Yorkshire pensioner politely telling him, "Please leave my town."
Re: General Election campaign : Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:14 am  
wrencat1873 wrote:
Those poor trainees having to stand and listen to his lies and waffle, just so that he could pretend to be the leader with "law & order" credentials for the party that cut 18,000 police and now expects them to stand and cheer for announcing the first steps to replace them, what an utter tool.

He becomes more like Trump every day. Mark Burns-Williamson will be seething.
Re: General Election campaign : Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:52 am  
Boris commenting on David Miliband making his disappointment known about losing out to his brother, Ed, in the Labour leadership race;
"Absolutely not. We don't do things that way, that's a very left-wing thing ... only a socialist could do that to his brother, only a socialist could regard familial ties as being so trivial as to shaft his own brother.

I mean, unbelievable. Only lefties can think like that ... they see people as discrete agents devoid of ties to society or to each other, and that's how Stalin could murder 20 million people".
Re: General Election campaign : Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:41 pm  
tigertot wrote:
Boris commenting on David Miliband making his disappointment known about losing out to his brother, Ed, in the Labour leadership race;
"Absolutely not. We don't do things that way, that's a very left-wing thing ... only a socialist could do that to his brother, only a socialist could regard familial ties as being so trivial as to shaft his own brother.

I mean, unbelievable. Only lefties can think like that ... they see people as discrete agents devoid of ties to society or to each other, and that's how Stalin could murder 20 million people".

The difficulty is that when his reputation is as somebody who is dishonest, hypocritical and inconstant, there’s no reputational damage associated with that being further confirmed. Rueful grin, shrug, tell another lie, knowing smirk, rinse and repeat.

His problem is more if/when he’s shown to be incompetent. when he’s trying to get stuff done, being distrusted and it being widely understood that such distrust is justified is a BIG problem. His accusations of Labour cowardice for avoiding an immediate election should hit home, but (many... most?) people can see that they’re right not to trust him.
Re: General Election campaign : Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:12 am  
Sounds like the Tories are now getting rid of the Speaker, John Bercow.
The steps to the right continue at pace.
At least it should leave plenty of room in the centre left of politics and Labour would be wise to fill that void as quickly as they can. :IDEA:
If they could persuade David Milliband to come back as leader, they may have a chance of success in future.
Re: General Election campaign : Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:40 pm  
wrencat1873 wrote:
Sounds like the Tories are now getting rid of the Speaker, John Bercow.
The steps to the right continue at pace.
At least it should leave plenty of room in the centre left of politics and Labour would be wise to fill that void as quickly as they can. :IDEA:
If they could persuade David Milliband to come back as leader, they may have a chance of success in future.

Bercow has broken Parliamentary Protocol, he is a weasel, he is in good company in the HoP.
Re: General Election campaign : Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:05 pm  
IR80 wrote:
Bercow has broken Parliamentary Protocol, he is a weasel, he is in good company in the HoP.

Can you give us any examples? Because Andrea Leadsom of all people saying something doesn't make it true.

Part of the Speaker's role is to stand up for the supremacy of Parliament over the Executive. The Executive rarely likes this but that's their role.
Re: General Election campaign : Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:38 pm  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
Can you give us any examples? Because Andrea Leadsom of all people saying something doesn't make it true.

Part of the Speaker's role is to stand up for the supremacy of Parliament over the Executive. The Executive rarely likes this but that's their role.

His job is also to be impartial - can anyone really say he has been impartial on Brexit?
Re: General Election campaign : Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:47 pm  
The Ghost of '99 wrote:
Can you give us any examples? Because Andrea Leadsom of all people saying something doesn't make it true.

Part of the Speaker's role is to stand up for the supremacy of Parliament over the Executive. The Executive rarely likes this but that's their role.

Indeed it is, and abercow has played politics with the role, I can't wait for him to be gone, odious little wretch.
Re: General Election campaign : Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:11 pm  
Sal Paradise wrote:
His job is also to be impartial - can anyone really say he has been impartial on Brexit?

God, getting actual fact-based answers out of you Brexiteers is hard. Can you actually summon up some facts rather then just more of your very confidently stated assertions??

I've watched spent plenty of time watching BBC Parliament and seen nothing to suggest to suggest a lack of impartiality other than a bias towards Parliamentary supremacy over the executive. Which is his job, and should be the interest of anyone who cares about process and government accountability.

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