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Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:56 am  
tigertot wrote:
HOw do they 'meddle' now, and how would they meddle more? That is just typical Mail/Sun/Express language.

You keep trotting out the Mail, Express, Sun garbage, I read none of them. Out of interest, which sector do you work in, how much unnecessary beaurocracy do you come across?
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:22 am  
tigertot wrote:
I would suggest those honourable Tories (oxymoron alert) are doing exactly that. The reason that we are in this pickle is one side sees the obvious economic & social advantages of EU membership, the other side are a bunch of racists & xenophobes who still think the UK is a superior nation.

One side is trying to deliver the mandate they asked the country to give them. The other has a very fluid policy depending on which day it is.

They all seem very certain that another referendum will deliver a remain vote - what happens if it delivers another leave vote?
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:24 am  
IR80 wrote:
You keep trotting out the Mail, Express, Sun garbage, I read none of them. Out of interest, which sector do you work in, how much unnecessary beaurocracy do you come across?

Answer my questions & I will answer yours. How do they 'meddle' now, and how would they meddle more?
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:28 am  
Sal Paradise wrote:
They all seem very certain that another referendum will deliver a remain vote - what happens if it delivers another leave vote?

Without doubt we would have to leave. Assuming the options were clear. I have not come across anyone saying different.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:50 am  
tigertot wrote:
Answer my questions & I will answer yours. How do they 'meddle' now, and how would they meddle more?

You have no experience of dealing with EU bearocracy, that is clear. You are all for attempting to belittle peopls and attempt, in vain, to "call them out", the truth is you are a died in the wool socialist, you don't believe in democracy.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:13 pm  
IR80 wrote:
You have no experience of dealing with EU bearocracy, that is clear. You are all for attempting to belittle peopls and attempt, in vain, to "call them out", the truth is you are a died in the wool socialist, you don't believe in democracy.

I obtain & spend EU funding. Millions. My brother worked for the EU for many years; he still does occasionally. His wife still does. My nephew is working on Brexit very close to the heart of Government. I have voted Labour once in a GE in the last 30 years. That was tactical to kick out the Tory scummer. It worked.

So tell me, How do they 'meddle' now, and how would they meddle more?
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:17 pm  
tigertot wrote:
I obtain & spend EU funding. Millions. My brother worked for the EU for many years; he still does occasionally. His wife still does. My nephew is working on Brexit very close to the heart of Government. I have voted Labour once in a GE in the last 30 years. That was tactical to kick out the Tory scummer. It worked.

So tell me, How do they 'meddle' now, and how would they meddle more?

Strange how i don't believe a single word of that. I'll leave you to your fantasy world Mr Mitty.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:03 pm  
IR80 wrote:
:wink: Strange how i don't believe a single word of that. I'll leave you to your fantasy world Mr Mitty.

I appreciate you believe that only people who went to Eton & Oxbridge deserve to get on in life, & your lot is to live in a hovel on Preston Road surviving off fish scraps from Hull docks; but you really can aspire to more.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:06 pm  
tigertot wrote:
I appreciate you believe that only people who went to Eton & Oxbridge deserve to get on in life, & your lot is to live in a hovel on Preston Road surviving off fish scraps from Hull docks; but you really can aspire to more.

Oh dear, the sad bitter side of you is seeping out, bless.
Re: General Election campaign : Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:52 pm  
It seems to me that the Boris method of leading with "no deal to get a good deal" is the only sensible way forward against the intransigent burghers of Brussels. It is just a pity that ever since the 2016 referendum certain powers have been at work to scupper the result. Certain MPs & members of elite society have completely side lined the popular vote to look towards the EU
as being in their own best interest in terms of better pay for their personal coffers & possible future jobs to be had within the EU conglomerate.
As for Corbyn ,he has more faces than the town hall clock.

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