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Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:35 pm  
Nightmare scenario, another election returns a hung parliament ,which at the moment looks highly likely.
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:56 pm  
wrencat1873 wrote:
Do you really think that with Brexit yet to be resolved, that the Libdems would jump into bed with Boris ??
I know that Clegg, so desperate to sit in the big chair, utterly sold his soul and almost destroyed the Libdems.

Do you seriously believe that they would follow that same path again. It's quite likely that with Corbyn, STILL undecided on the whole Brexit issue, that, The Lib dems will eat into Labours vote and equally possible that there will be an arrangement between the Lib dems and Labour, not to go head to head in certain seats, to ensure that we dont get Boris returned to power, which would be THE worst outcome.

I think your "guarantee" is way, way off the mark

There are already strong rumours that she's had a series of 1:1 telephone meetings with Johnson - and I don't think her desire to be back in the big time should be underestimated; as a Minister in the coalition govt, she voted for Tory austerity policies more times than a significant number of actual Tories did - over 800 times in fact. She is a yellow Tory, who represents the maintenance of the status quo, but with 5p carrier bags to ameliorate the conscience.

As for Corbyn being unclear - you trot this out repeatedly, so I can only assume you're listening to the media rather than him; take no deal off the table, extend the deadline, hold a GE, negotiate a softer exit with the EU, put it to the people - including an option to Remain. It couldn't be simpler.
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:04 pm  
bren2k wrote:
There are already strong rumours that she's had a series of 1:1 telephone meetings with Johnson - and I don't think her desire to be back in the big time should be underestimated; as a Minister in the coalition govt, she voted for Tory austerity policies more times than a significant number of actual Tories did - over 800 times in fact. She is a yellow Tory, who represents the maintenance of the status quo, but with 5p carrier bags to ameliorate the conscience.

As for Corbyn being unclear - you trot this out repeatedly, so I can only assume you're listening to the media rather than him; take no deal off the table, extend the deadline, hold a GE, negotiate a softer exit with the EU, put it to the people - including an option to Remain. It couldn't be simpler.

Indedd, he is basically saying "ignore the democratic will of the people", no doubt he wants a hard border in Irelamd so his chums in the IRA get their mandate back...
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:08 pm  
IR80 wrote:
no doubt he wants a hard border in Irelamd so his chums in the IRA get their mandate back...

Yes I'm certain that's true - it makes perfect sense, and does not in any way defy all logic and reason.
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:26 pm  
IR80 wrote:
Indedd, he is basically saying "ignore the democratic will of the people", no doubt he wants a hard border in Irelamd so his chums in the IRA get their mandate back...

Following the referendum many of the leave voters then became aware of the hard Brexit possibility that gobsmacked them.

At the following general election these same voters effectively returned a tranche of remain mp’s to indicate their revised views.

Parliament is now acting in accordance with the voters wishes.

Totally democratic

So easy to grasp.
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:52 pm  
Superblue wrote:
Following the referendum many of the leave voters then became aware of the hard Brexit possibility that gobsmacked them.

At the following general election these same voters effectively returned a tranche of remain mp’s to indicate their revised views.

Parliament is now acting in accordance with the voters wishes.

Totally democratic

So easy to grasp.

nope,we had a referendum, we voted leave.
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:59 pm  
IR80 wrote:
nope,we had a referendum, we voted leave.

A referendum isn’t legally binding.

The Supreme Court ordered that Parliament and not the Tory government had authority on Brexit.

The voters understood this.

So why did the voters not return a leave parliament when given the chance in the general election.?
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:03 pm  
Superblue wrote:
A referendum isn’t legally binding.

The Supreme Court ordered that Parliament and not the Tory government had authority on Brexit.

The voters understood this.

So why did the voters not return a leave parliament when given the chance in the general election.?

because the intelligent voters know a General Election isn't a single issue democracy. I assume you are a remoaner.
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:43 pm  
Superblue wrote:
Following the referendum many of the leave voters then became aware of the hard Brexit possibility that gobsmacked them.

At the following general election these same voters effectively returned a tranche of remain mp’s to indicate their revised views.

Parliament is now acting in accordance with the voters wishes.

Totally democratic

So easy to grasp.

They returned MPs who said they'd respect and implement the referendum result.
Re: General Election campaign : Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:46 pm  
Superblue wrote:
A referendum isn’t legally binding.

The Supreme Court ordered that Parliament and not the Tory government had authority on Brexit.

The voters understood this.

So why did the voters not return a leave parliament when given the chance in the general election.?

Cameron categorically declared it would be implemented (thereby removing the 'advisory' tag).

Voters did return a leave parliament - Labour and Tories picked up the overwhelming majority of votes on leave manifestos.

The referendum's 'project fear campaign' made it clear that any Brexit would be what was subsequently called a 'hard' Brexit.

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